St. Mary’s Garden Club POLICIES
1. If there is no school in Falmouth due to inclement weather, the Club meeting and program shall be canceled.
2. All Active members are expected to participate in fund-raising events.
3. The Club shall not support legislative bills, but shall encourage members to do so.
4. The names of members shall be excluded from publicity when pertaining to dated projects unless specifically authorized by said members.
5. Condolence notes or Get Well cards shall be sent, not flowers.
6. All new members shall be members of the Garden Committee for two years.
7. The top name on the Hospitality list shall be in charge of hospitality.
8. There shall be no consignment sales at any Club function unless approved by the Board.
9. No thank-you notes shall be written to members by chairmen of special events.
10. No membership cards shall be given.
11. During fund-raising events, the time when Active members may purchase will be at the discretion of the event Chairman and Committee.
12. Special orders by members and the public may be taken and filled ahead of time for fund-raising events.
13. Lilacs, our Club flower, should be included in plantings or landscaping projects whenever possible.
14. Years as an Active member shall accrue towards Associate membership.
15. As the need arises, monies raised by the Club may be used to fund programs and projects. The Board shall recommend the amount of money available for a project.
16. The President’s lunch at the annual meeting shall be paid for by the Club.
17. If a member signs up for a trip or class and cancels at the last minute or fails to show up, said member is still responsible for the cost of the day.
18. A member should not hold the same chairmanship for more than one term of two (2) years unless no other chairman can be found.
19. A Garden Therapy Project must adhere to our objective, as stated in Article II of the Bylaws; have aims and goals that adhere to our Statement of Purpose; be developed according to the needs of each receiving organization; be proposed by a member; include at least four members; include an approximate budget; include a statement of for-profit or non-profit status of the benefiting organization, including who will be financing the project; and be accepted by vote of the membership.
20. A member must seek the Committee Chairman’s approval prior to making a purchase for which reimbursement will be requested.
21. Active members who take National Garden Club Study programs will be reimbursed according to the following: each year the Finance Committee will determine an amount to be divided equally among all students who complete the course and exam, or who are taking refresher courses. Disbursement will be determined by the President and distributed at the Annual Meeting. The amount distributed to each student may not equal the total cost of taking the course.
22. The club reserves the right to allocate gifts to whatever purpose is best for the club. Restricted gifts will be received only with the designated committee’s recommendation and the Board’s approval. Receipts will be given for monetary gifts equal to or in excess of $25.